The Rhodes, Marshall and Mitchell scholarships are opportunities for graduate study in the United Kingdom or Ireland. If you are interested in applying for either of these scholarships, students must first receive internal endorsement at their respective undergraduate institution. Below are the requirements and procedure for receiving internal endorsement at Georgetown University
- GPA should be above or approaching 3.9 for the Rhodes, 3.8 for the Marshall, and 3.5 for the Mitchell. The committee will consider GPAs of 3.7 or above for the Rhodes or the Marshall in cases of exceptional leadership, public service, research, or publication. Students with GPAs below 3.7 will not be eligible for the Rhodes or Marshall. Your GPA will also not be rounded up to the next highest number e.g. a 3.79 is not a 3.8.
- Must be US citizens
- Up-to-date resume that is no more than 2 pages
- Most recent transcript
- One academic letter of recommendation from a faculty member who has taught you in the subject you are interested in researching.
- One non-academic letter of recommendation from someone who can attest to your leadership.
- A specific statement of which universities in the U.K./Ireland you would apply to.
- A 150-200 word explanation of the appropriateness of your past and future work in relation to your degree program. You should also name scholars you wish to work with at those universities.
Students will also need to answer the following questions. Pleas note, the answers to (1) and (2) should be connected to your academic and non-academic letters of recommendation and each answer should cover a different area of your experience.
- What is the research question/problem/issue you intend to pursue in your graduate study? Why is this question of importance to a larger community? How does it emerge from your undergraduate work? What is the academic trajectory that would follow from completing your graduate work on this question? Note any significant recognition your academic work has already received: e.g. grants, publication, conference presentation, prizes. (@400 words)
- In recent years how have you demonstrated truly outstanding leadership? How has your leadership of a group or an activity or a project been creative, effective and transformative? How does your leadership in this project connect to your plans for the future? Note significant recognition from both peers (e.g. elected to office) and organizations (e.g. appointments, selection for office, or awards). (@400 words)
- What area of your life or experience proves your grit? (@300 words) Some of the areas that might be covered in this area are: How have you chosen to work or compete for a highly demanding outcome, for example in sports, the performing arts, or in demanding activities like military training? Note levels of competition and levels of success. How have you overcome personal or familial adversity? How have you fought the world’s fight on behalf of others in difficult or hostile environments, e.g. parts of the world with few amenities or even overt hostilities.
For more information, please click here.
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